Freshman Orientation

Freshman Orientation is the process of preparing students for high school as they get close to starting their freshman year. The freshman orientation process usually starts with classroom visits during the eighth grade year and often includes a parent-night focused on what to expect in high school, credits and requirements, diploma options, etc.


Freshman Orientation is the process of preparing students for high school as they get close to starting their freshman year. The freshman orientation process usually starts with classroom visits during the eighth grade year and often includes a parent-night focused on what to expect in high school, credits and requirements, diploma options, etc. Freshman orientation is a way to ease the students’ transition into high school, which can be an overwhelming experience for students.  Orientation helps new 9th graders adjust to the challenges of high school by choosing the right classes and extracurricular activities and also introduces them to key school staff that they can turn to for help and support in the adjustment process.  School counselors from the high school are often very involved in helping to prepare students for high school and often visit 8th grade classes to  begin preparing students for their upcoming transition.


  • High school orientation can be both an exciting and overwhelming experience for students.
  • The transition to high school can be scary for both parents and students.  Good preparation and knowing what to expect can ease the stress of this big transition.
  • Orientation can cover a variety of topics, but generally includes:
    • Indiana’s graduation requirements and diploma types
    • Credits and transcripts
    • A focus on academic achievement/academic rigor
    • College and career readiness topics/postsecondary preparation
    • Courses
    • Activities
    • Information on assessments/graduation exams
    • Advanced Placement
    • Dual Credit
    • Early Graduation
    • Terminology
    • Resources
    • Key staff roles and contact information.
  • While freshman orientation may not be held until right before the 9th grade year begins, the orientation process truly begins in the 8th grade year with high school planning, course selection and visits from the high school counselors.




If you have suggestions, feedback, or resources, please email and let us know.