If you are ready to begin working toward a comprehensive school counseling program, IDOE and ISCA are providing the following resources to assist your work:
- For an overview of the Indiana CSC Model, you can read through the Indiana Comprehensive School Counseling Model: Program Manual
- In order to enroll and use a step-by-step online learning platform, please visit https://carryingthetorch.org/.
- You will want to scroll to near the bottom of the page, and choose the level in which you are interested.
- Then hit “Enroll” (Please note that only ONE school counselor in your building will enroll and then he/she will invite the others on your team to become users.)
- You should then check your email for an invitation (please check your spam if you don’t get it soon)
- You will then create a password and log in.
- That is when you will be able to go to “Manage Users” to invite the rest of your team.
- For more information, you can contact Rebekah Frazer at rfrazer@doe.in.gov or (317) 233-5440