Advance College Project (ACP)
Advance College Project (ACP) is a dual-enrollment partnership between Indiana University and select high schools throughout Indiana and surrounding states. IU courses taught through the ACP program provide both high school and college credits (known as concurrent or dual enrollment) and allow students to fulfill high school graduation requirements as well as start building their college career. IU Courses are taught during the regular school day by certified high school teachers who hold adjunct lecturer status through IU.
The ACP program is designed for high school juniors and seniors who desire more advanced academic work. ACP is not a gifted and talented program, but potential students should demonstrate a solid academic foundation and motivation to successfully earn college credits. The ACP program will engage students in college courses and help prepare them for future academic work.
- Tuition is $25 per credit hour for ACP classes. Tuition fees are waived for students who are eligible for the free/reduced lunch program through the high school.
- High school juniors and seniors (and in some cases, sophomores) who have a solid academic preparation and a desire for more advanced work are good candidates for Advance College Project (ACP) classes. The basic premise of ACP is to provide an opportunity for high school students to succeed in college course work.
- Process to help students register for ACP credit (from Counselor Talk, November 2017)
If you have suggestions, feedback, or resources, please email and let us know.