
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive, repeated behavior, typically among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.


Bullying is unwanted, aggressive, repeated behavior, typically among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.  Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. (Adapted from: http://www.stopbullying.gov/what-is-bullying/definition/index.html)


  • For behavior to be considered bullying, it must be aggressive, there must be a real or perceived power imbalance and the behavior must be repeated.
  • There are different types of bullying: verbal, physical, social (sometimes referred to as relational bullying or relational aggression), and cyber-bullying.
  • Verbal bullying can include saying mean things, taunting, name-calling, threats to cause harm, inappropriate sexual comments and teasing.
  • Physical bullying can include pushing, shoving, hitting, kicking, spitting, pinching, taking or breaking someone’s possessions and holding someone down.
  • Social bullying can include isolating someone from their friends, leaving someone out, spreading rumors about someone, and embarrassing someone.  Social bullying can include cyber-bullying.
  • Cyber-bullying is verbal bullying using electronic technology, including text messages, email messages, social media sites and the internet. This behavior can include spreading rumors about someone, saying mean things about or to someone, or posting pictures of someone without their permission, with the intent to cause harm.
  • Bullying can happen anywhere, before or after school, on the way to and from school, on the bus, on the playground, in the bathroom, stairwells or hallways, at home and via electronic technology.
  • Indiana state law requires that all school corporations develop bullying prevention programs for the prevention of bullying behavior in schools, in accordance with P.L. 285-2013.  (For guidance on this topic, please seehttp://www.doe.in.gov/student-services/bullying-prevention)
  • Bullying prevention efforts must be sustained over time to be effective.



  • Q: I am new to the middle school world this year and I would love to hear what counselors are doing school wide and in the classroom for Bullying Prevention Month! I work specifically with 5-8th grade students and I am looking for any and all ideas you may have when working with students. (Counselortalk 9/26/22)
  • Q: Bullying videos?
  • Question: Looking for anti-bullying resources for high school
  • Question: Has anyone found a program for anti-bullying that lends itself well to a virtual learning platform?
  • Question: Looking for ideas on talking to a student who thinks kids are bullying him (but they aren’t) when they are just looking in his direction, etc.
    • Responses:
    • Have him do research on bullying and create a lesson plan and teach it to any kids willing to attend his lesson during recess.
    • A couple of good books: Two by Katherine Ostoshi (talks about how 2 friends were always together and then another friend came along and the character had to learn how to share her friend), Flabbersmashed About You (same concept)
    • I have used Signe Whitson’s 8 Keys to Bullying with classrooms the last two years.  We talk about the definition of Rude, Mean, and Bullying: Rude – Someone accidently says or does something hurtful to you; Mean – Someone says or does something hurtful to you on purpose once or twice; Bullying – Hurtful behavior done on Purpose,  there is a Pattern, and there is a Power imbalance.  This definition has helped me explain mean behavior to students, teachers, and parents.  I really like her curriculum.
  • Question: Ways your schools have students report bullying? (From Counselor Talk, April 2018)
    • Responses:
    • We use a google form (link on our school website- stop sign).  It has worked really well as it compiles the data and you can set alerts to receive an email when a form is submitted.
    • Our school uses the CyberBully Hotline that people can call anonymously.  The calls/texts go to myself and the principal.  We also have a referral form (google doc) for teachers for various referrals.
      CyberBully Hotline – Each school has their own number.
      It’s a national thing. http://www.cyberbullyhotline.com/
  • What I have learned: The Indiana Department of Education provides model lessons and resources for bullying prevention at all levels, elementary, middle and high school. Seehttp://www.doe.in.gov/student-services/bullying-prevention
  • Speakers for anti-bullying
    • Kevin Wanzer and Blue are a great show!  I would highly recommend contacting Lydia Stiehl, Indianapolis Colts, Mascot Program Assistant,  lydia.stiehl@colts.nfl.net (from Counselor Talk, May 2018)
    • Last year we had Nathan from Your Life Speaks.  https://www.yourlifespeaks.org/meet-nathan He did a great job connecting with the students and we had several parents call to thank us after talking with their child. I recommend him! (from Counselortalk, August 2018)
    • Nathan was amazing!! We had him last year and we are having him again this year.
    • Matt Hart with React to Bullying is GREAT!! (Counselor Talk, September 2018)


If you have suggestions, feedback, or resources, please email counselor1stop@inspiresuccess.org and let us know.