
School counselors recognize and distinguish individual and group differences and strive to equally value all students and groups. School counselors are advocates for the equitable treatment of all students in school and in the community.


School counselors recognize and distinguish individual and group differences and strive to equally value all students and groups. School counselors are advocates for the equitable treatment of all students in school and in the community. (ASCA Position Statement, The School Counselor and Equity for All Students, Adopted 2006, revised 2012, 2018)


  • School counselors develop and implement a school counseling program promoting equity and access for students.
  • School counselors work to help close achievement, opportunity, attainment and funding gaps in their schools, districts and communities.



  • Think of your own overall identity (who you are as a person) as a bowl of soup. Your identity is made up of different “ingredients”: race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability status, socioeconomic status, geographic location, education, family structure, hobbies, beliefs, career, experiences, etc.
  • All the components of your authentic self (your “ingredients”), interact together within an oppressive system that influences/cultivates your lived experience.


If you have suggestions, feedback, or resources, please email counselor1stop@inspiresuccess.org and let us know.