INDemand Jobs (formerly Hoosier Hot 50 Jobs)

Hoosier Hot 50 Jobs is now INDemand Jobs: Indiana's Hottest Occupations.  INDemand Jobs focuses on high-demand, high-wage jobs for today and tomorrow.


Hoosier Hot 50 Jobs is now INDemand Jobs: Indiana’s Hottest Occupations.  INDemand Jobs focuses on high-demand, high-wage jobs for today and tomorrow. The INDemand focus will help ensure a long and rewarding career. The demand indicator used is based on a methodology that ranks all Indiana jobs based on future growth and wages. Whether you are searching for your first job, changing jobs, re-entering the workforce or planning a career change make the INDemand Jobs page the cornerstone of your efforts. See


  • The Indiana Flame Ranking is calculated for each occupation by using Short term (2016-2018) Job Projection Data and Long Term (2014-2024) Job Projection Data. Job Projection Data is developed following the rules and jurisdiction of the US Department of Labor’s Employment & Training Administration. Indiana occupations score a rank from 1 to 10 in the categories below to produce a both short term and long term outlook rating. Once the outlook scores are calculated, the scores are averaged to assign a flame ranking (1 to 5) to each occupation.




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