Minute Meetings

The minute meeting is a very short meeting with every student in the building. It can use forms that are very short, where the students answer yes or no. There are no lengthy responses required. 


The minute meeting is a very short meeting with every student in the building. It can use forms that are very short, where the students answer yes or no. There are no lengthy responses required.  These questions are basically about home, school, friends, and feelings.  After meeting with the student, the Minute Meeting gives the counselor an idea of what students need to be checked-in on and what students are urgent. Doing a Minute Meeting at the beginning of school really helps get the individual counseling students going in a timely manner and efficiently because of the ability to assess the entire building.


  • Students meet with a counselor 1:1 in the hallway for a quick check in.
  • Scheduling Minute Meetings is very important. It allows the teacher to know when you are coming in and provides enough time for you to come and be able to see every student in the class.
  • Make sure to keep track of the classrooms you have visited



  • Q: To anyone who’s done minute meetings before, what topics do you cover? What questions do you ask the students?


If you have suggestions, feedback, or resources, please email counselor1stop@inspiresuccess.org and let us know.