Family Engagement Resources


Effective family engagement in schools goes beyond traditional events. It involves a two-way communication approach that considers family input and offers flexible involvement options. Schools can create a welcoming environment by hosting open houses and showcasing student work, while also providing resources and workshops to support learning at home. By tailoring communication and offering a variety of opportunities for families to connect with the school community, schools can build strong partnerships that benefit student success.


  • Accessibility and Flexibility: Consider diverse family backgrounds and schedules. Offer a variety of communication channels (phone calls, email, online platforms) and hold events and workshops at accessible times and locations, with virtual options where possible.
  • Two-Way Communication and Support: Move beyond just informing families. Actively seek their input on their child’s needs and concerns. Offer resources and workshops that empower families to support their child’s academic and social-emotional well-being at home.


  • (Added 7/1/24,  Kelsey Peaper, Assistant Director of Student, School, and Family Engagement): You can view the slide deck from the SSFE June 27, 2024 Family Engagement Webinar HEREl.  Please reach out with any questions you may have at


If you have suggestions, feedback, or resources, please email and let us know.