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4 events found.
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Counselor Connect/Keep Indiana Learning: 2023-2024 Calendar for Indiana School Counselors & Social Workers
Check out events around the state/nation for School Counselors & Social Workers compiled by Amanda Culhan.
INvestED: Schedule of Events
See INvestEd's event calendar to know where they are presenting . Their website also offers FREE tools & resources you can use no matter where you are in the planning process.
College Board: Schedule of Counselor Workshops 2023
This year’s College Board workshops will provide timely updates on College Board programs and services so you’re ready to support your students for the 2023-24 school year.
IYI: Webinar – Prioritizing SEL & Self-Efficacy Before Post-Secondary Attempts
Join IYI on August 31, 2023 for a webinar that will explore issues of social & emotional learning (SEL) and self-efficacy development of today’s, and more importantly…tomorrow’s, post-secondary students and how it impacts their persistence to post-secondary completion.