Career Interest Inventory/Assessments

Career interest inventories are a great way to generate curiosity about a variety of careers.


Career interest inventories are a great way to generate curiosity about a variety of careers. Be sure whatever tool you use includes “out of the box” careers to expose your students to all of their options. Career interest inventories align your students’ interests with careers they are also likely to be interested in.  Taking a career interest inventory when beginning career exploration can help the student to develop a focus point of where to begin learning about careers.  Be cautious and only use career interest inventories that are developmentally appropriate for your student and that have good reliability and validity. These types of inventories or assessments are ideally taken once per year, as student interest may change over time.




  • (CounselorTalk January, 2023) Q: I am getting ready to do the Truity career test with all of my 4th graders. I have a kiddo who just arrived from Cuba. Does anyone know where I can find a career interest inventory (online or paper/pencil) in Spanish? Google has not been helpful.


If you have suggestions, feedback, or resources, please email and let us know.