Drugs/Drug Abuse

Drug abuse and addiction is a complicated topic with many causal factors. Professional help is always advised when the use of drugs or alcohol is impeding the functioning of one of your students.


Drug abuse and addiction is a complicated topic with many causal factors. Professional help is always advised when the use of drugs or alcohol is impeding the functioning of one of your students.


  • Consult with colleagues about when to violate confidentiality in cases where addiction is suspected.


  • Indiana Hope Academy: Hope Academy Recovery High School is located in the Castleton area of Indianapolis (I-69 and 82nd), and serves students who are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, or for whom drugs have negatively impacted their lives. There are always openings and there is no tuition; expelled students are accepted. They have licensed/highly qualified teachers in all core subjects plus Art and Music, and students participate in a daily recovery curriculum.
    For more info, contact Katherine Barsten (kbarsten@fairbankscd.org), or Rossi Preissler, administrative assistant, to schedule a student interview: 317.572.9440

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  • In-patient Addiction Resources

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  • https://www.drugrehab.com/guides/bullying/

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  • Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention demo video: Prescription drug abuse and misuse is a growing issue, with opioid abuse now the leading cause of accidental deaths in the U.S. This resource will provide high school students with the knowledge and confidence to use prescription drugs safely, and to protect themselves and their community from the dangers of misuse. Total time 60 minutes

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If you have suggestions, feedback, or resources, please email counselor1stop@inspiresuccess.org and let us know.