
Everyone experiences stress and anxiety to some degree but some people are less equipped to handle these feelings due to traumatic experiences, unstable homes or innate character traits. Counselors can help students and their families deal with anxiety in healthy ways.


Everyone experiences stress and anxiety to some degree but some people are less equipped to handle these feelings due to traumatic experiences, unstable homes or innate character traits. Counselors can help students and their families deal with anxiety in healthy ways.


  • Mindfulness can be a useful tool for combating anxiety.
  • Long-term anxiety can manifest in emotional and physical symptoms.



  • Sometimes, anxiety can look like ADD and even ODD in children so it is good to explore all triggers of behaviors.
  • Anxious children benefit from structure and predictability.
  • I just wanted to share with everyone an anxiety tool that our school counselors at Peru Community Schools have been using. In our experience it has been helpful and proven to aid in working with students that have come to us in a panicked state. It is called a Cahhlm Disc:
  • Counselortalk, November 2019 resources in NW Indiana for severe anxiety:
  • From Counselor Talk, October 2018:
    • Q: Does anyone have a great app for managing anxiety that is simple to use?
    • A: Breathing Bubbles & Settle Your Glitter are great.
    • A: I have also used Smiling Mind and MindShift (recommended by an LMHC) for anxiety. Smiling Mind has all different age levels. Mindshift has some some chill out tools, has an electronic journal, had a “thinking right” tool that helps explore the thinking processes, and a ton of other items to help with anxiety. Perfect for anyone with some anxiety looking for help and coping strategies.
    • A: MindShift is great!
    • A:Breathe 2 Relax (several recommended)
      Mind Shift (several recommended)
      Settle Your Glitter
      Breathing Bubbles
      Stop, Breathe, Think
      Smiling Mind
      Calm Classroom


If you have suggestions, feedback, or resources, please email and let us know.