Depression is a common problem in children and teens but is sometimes difficult to recognize.
Depression is a common problem in children and teens but is sometimes difficult to recognize.
While it is difficult to think about, school counselors will at times be faced with the death of a student, staff member or close family member. This is a challenging situation for all involved. Having a general plan ahead of time and proceeding thoughtfully will help you support your community in moving past tragedy.
One of the most valuable skills we can teach our students is how to conduct themselves professionally and safely on the internet. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help us.
BRIEF SUMMARY During the 2013 legislative session, the General Assembly passed HEA 1341, and the Governor signed P.L. 111 – 2013 into law. This law establishes the Indiana e-transcript program to allow students attending accredited schools to request that their transcript…
When disaster strikes (whether natural or man-made), counselors can be a voice of calm and healing. Having a plan in place ahead of time will allow us to be in the right head space to support our students and their families.
In high school, everyone takes a combination of classes that are required for graduation. Some students may take extra classes in one area if they're interested or if their school counselor feels it will help their chances of getting into the college of their choice. Knowing how many credits one has earned, especially before graduation, is necessary for those who want to make sure they'll have the appropriate amount of credits needed.
Course descriptions provide brief descriptions of kindergarten, elementary, middle level and high school curricular areas. These descriptions assist schools in communicating, in a broad context, the content of programs and courses.
BRIEF SUMMARY School counseling program resources can be found through professional organizations, such as the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) and state-level counselor professional associations, as well as state departments of education. There are also many blogs dedicated to school…
Indiana's Core 40 is considered the minimum academic foundation all students need to succeed in college, apprenticeship programs, military training and the workforce.
It is not uncommon for counselors to be subpoenaed to testify in cases that concern our clients. When this happens, your first course of action is to consult with your principal and/or the attorney for your corporation.