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Indiana Association for College Admission Counseling (INACAC)

BRIEF SUMMARY The Indiana Association for College Admission Counseling is a professional organization of counseling professionals dedicated to serving students as they explore options and make choices about pursuing post-secondary education. Its mission is to establish and maintain high professional standards…

Counselor Connect (Keep Indiana Learning – CIESC)

The Keep Indiana Learning Counselor Connect Expert Network is a district-led and championed community of practice, offering high quality professional development, resources, and support for Student Service Professionals to foster the delivery of equitable, accessible, and data-informed services to students in the areas of academic, postsecondary, and social-emotional learning.

IDOE: Legislative Guidance

BRIEF SUMMARY Legislatively-Required and Other Guidance Surrounding Newly-Enacted Legislation Following the close of each legislative session, IDOE immediately begins working to implement newly-enacted legislation impacting K-12 education, which includes compiling guidance for educators. Guidance is a product of robust cross-agency…

Back to School Resources

BRIEF SUMMARY Each year as students and staff return for another new school year, school counselors look to be prepared to meet the needs in their community – from updating  the school counseling program, to assessing practices, to supporting college…

Medicaid Resources

RESOURCES (IDOE, March, 2023): Medicaid Eligibility Changes As many as 500,000 Hoosiers could be impacted by upcoming Medicaid eligibility changes required by federal law, which ends pandemic-related eligibility provisions on Friday, March 31. This means regular determinations for coverage will…

Records Retention

BRIEF SUMMARY   KEY POINTS SHARED WISDOM Q: (CounselorTalk, December 2022) Where can I find guidance on what is required to be a student’s permanent record file, where the files should be stored, and who has access to them? A:…

Health & Wellness Credit Alternative Options

BRIEF SUMMARY 511 IAC 6-7.1-4 Minimum required and elective credits  (Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-30-5; IC 20-30-10-2 Affected: IC 20-30-5-9) (5) Subject to subdivisions (6) through (8), the health and wellness credit shall be from a course in the health…

Middle School Civics Standards

The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) requests State Board of Education (SBOE) approval for the civics course standards and routine Science standards review and adoption. Specific details are noted below. In accordance with Indiana Code 20-19-2-14.7, IDOE convened an educator committee in October 2021 to define Indiana Academic Standards that would comprise the middle school civics course for review and approval by SBOE.

Data Exchange

Data Exchange - The Data Reporting Source of Truth: The 2022-2023 school year establishes Data Exchange as the source of truth for all data reporting. IDOE will transition identities as the source of truth to Data Exchange in late fall/early winter. At the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, all school personnel numbers (SPN) and student test numbers (STN) will continue to be created in the STN Application Center and will be available in Data Exchange the following day.